UEFA look into suspending Real Madrid and Juventus from the Champions League

UEFA look into suspending Real Madrid and Juventus from the Champions League

Ceferin / | sport

The two clubs were at the forefront of this week's European Super League project

The UEFA are still deciding what to do with the founders of the European Super League. Alexander Ceferin, the president of the governing body, has been more peaceful and indulgent with the clubs that have stepped back from the breakaway project.

However, according to reports in Italy, neither Ceferin nor other members of UEFA's executive committee are sure on what posture to adopt with Real Madrid and Juventus.

The Italian side released a statement that was ambiguous, admitting that the ESL project had not gone down well this week but not actually withdrawing from it themselves.

Meanwhile, Madrid have notleft the Super League project, either.

It's for that reason that some high-ranking executives at UEFA want both clubs to be sanctioned.

Knowing that the chances of doing something this season is remote, the idea that has been floated is to kick both Juve and Madrid out of next year's Champions League.

Despite that, there are others at the organisation that don't want to act so strongly and that hope an agreement for football to move forward in a more united manner can be reached.


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