Why do Barça want Juve's Pjanic!?

Why do Barça want Juve's Pjanic!?

Albert Masnou

Subdirector de SPORT

Pjanic ya tiene precio
Pjanic ya tiene precio | sport

Miralem Pjanic is on Barcelona's list of possible signings for next season. The new signing committee like the Juventus player and are ready to take their interest forward and see if it's an economically viable option. Pjanic is 28 and has three years left on his contract, for that reason, so far, the Italian champions have asked for 80 million euros. 

Barça are looking for top-level players for their midfield and Pjanic is one of three options on the table. Without wanting to take the place of Eric Abidal and Co., you can't help but wonder what Pjanic has to be chosen ahead of other players. The answer is a simple one: free-kicks, corners and set plays in general. He's a specialist. Juve have scored a lot of goals in recent seasons, either directly or indirectly, thanks to Pjanic's deliveries. He doesn't stand out especially by creating things, by keeping possession or by dribbling... He's good at all those things but he's not great at any of them. 

If his biggest quality is set plays... why do Barcelona want him? For what do the want him? To take free-kicks when the team has the best free-kick taker in the world (Lionel Messi) and possibly another player who is in the top five (Philippe Coutinho)? What free-kicks would he take if he signed for Barcelona? The answer is obvious: none. How many corners would he take if that is also Messi's territory? None... or very few. 

This player, if he comes, has the smell of someone for the bench because he doesn't improve what's already there. And Barcelona don't need more players like Andre Gomes. They need signings that add something to the team which its lacking.