The real Neymar has reappeared in Paris...

The real Neymar has reappeared in Paris...

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica

La cara más polémica de Neymar renace en París
La cara más polémica de Neymar renace en París | AFP

The authentic Neymar has reappeared at Paris Saint-Germain. The Brazilian, who during four years at Barcelona contained his controversial character (apart from the odd outburst on the pitch or escape back to his homeland) has let his mask slip in France. 

The provocative, undisciplined and unprofessional Neymar has been revealed in just five months: all the time that has been needed to set off a fire in the dressing room, mock rivals and prepare his move to Real Madrid. Because the truth is that what Neymar really wants (and his dad/representative) is to escape to the Bernabeu. 

No one in their right mind would question Neymar's ability on the football pitch. At Barça, he showed that he is one of the very best in the game. But the price to pay for his waywardness is excessive. His exit from Camp Nou was the maximum expression of Neymar as a mercenary.

And now he wants to do the same at PSG: he is more tempted by the millions and promises to be No.1 from Florentino Perez than any by sporting project. The direct jump from Camp Nou to the Bernabeu was too risky. And that's why he decided to take a 'walk' through Paris. A walk that seems short. Very short. 

The worst version of Neymar has reappeared in Paris 

Neymar has been in the headlines for the wrong reasons this weel, for moments on and off the pitch. His lack of respect for the Rennes players on Tuesday night has been seen around the world. And his decision to file a lawsuit against Barça for an unpaid renewal bonus (poor guy) reveal his true character. 

His and his dad/representative's character. Because Neymar's dad carries a lot to blame for what happens -- even for transforming his son into a mercenary.