The day that Zidane made a Mourinho move

The day that Zidane made a Mourinho move

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica

Zidane perdió su tono políticamente correcto
Zidane perdió su tono políticamente correcto | EFE

Until now, everyone has considered Zinedine Zidane one of football's gentlemen. Even though there has been precedent to believe otherwise in his playing days. Remember the headbut on Materazzi in the World Cup final in 2006? Well.

As Madrid coach, he had an impecable record. Both in press conferences and on the pitch. Until Saturday. When he steered away from the manual of good behaviour. Maybe because he was under pressure due to the atmosphere which engulfs Madrid as a club. Maybe under pressure from the club's president...  

Where did the announcement come from that Madrid will not give a guard of honour to Madrid? And, in addition, to add that it was his own decision? Zidane has lost the politically correct tone which he has managed to maintain during his two years in charge. He has become 'Mourinho-ised'. 

Zidane's response was born of impotence

Mourinho fought Guardiola's Barcelona from a position of impotence. So he did it by converting every press conference into a battle. And every game a war. Zidane seems ready to follow in his footsteps. Barcelona have humiliated him in La Liga and his only solution is not to give them a guard of honour at Camp Nou if they're champions? 

The reason that it's because Barça didn't give Madrid a guard of honour after the Club World Cup makes no sense: the Catalan side weren't in that competition. Madrid are in La Liga. Even if it doesn't seem like it. And Zidane's anger reminds us all of Mourinho's worst characteristics, which did Madrid's image so much damage. Now, Zidane just needs to poke a finger in Valverde's eye...