The best team in the world... and the team that wants to be that again

The best team in the world... and the team that wants to be that again

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica

| David Ramírez

Barcelona's men's team can learn a thing or two from the triumphant Femeni

Barça Femeni is the best team in the world. They showed it last season by winning the treble and want to prove it again this season by repeating La Liga (already achieved), the Copa de la Reina (in the semi-finals) and the Champions League (yesterday they took a giant step towards the final). The passion aroused by this group of players, led by Alexia Putellas (No 1 on the planet), has turned the Camp Nou into the stage for great Catalan parties. Against Madrid, the attendance record was broken (91,553 spectators) and yesterday, against Wolfsburg, once again the members and fans were by their team's side with another historical record: 91,648. Barça Femeni catches the attention. Because it is the example of a job well done, the product of excellent planning. Successes do not come spontaneously, but are the happy consequence of a very well designed sports strategy. In fact, everything that has been done wrong in the men's team for years has been done well in the women's team. And the football situation of one and the other is the most palpable proof that deviating from the path can only lead to failure.

Xavi, fortunately, has come to change the course. He has recovered a style of play that Barça had banished for too long. So much so that many footballers no longer even remember how to practice it. And some of them have been in the Blaugrana dressing room for many seasons. That shows, without a doubt, the lack of control at the Camp Nou for years. It is logical that new signings suffer with the change of model. Even the young people who come up from the reserves. But veterans should understand what the coach is asking of them. Unfortunately, it is not so. And that causes physical and mental wear and tear that is taking its toll.

The team has made, in the last five months, a major effort to get out of the pit they were in. Their resurrection culminated with the win at the Bernabéu. That 4-0 against Madrid should have been the turning point for a ‘champion Barça’, but it has ended up being the beginning of a footballing 'mini-crisis' that must be overcome. The six games that have followed the exhibition against Los Blancos have raised doubts. Because of the results (two losses, one draw and three wins) and, above all, because of the sensations. At least, against Real Sociedad, the ability to sacrifice was proven to ensure a victory that was essential. It is the first step to go back to playing the game Xavi wants.

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