Comment: Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola -- nor will he ever be

Comment: Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola -- nor will he ever be

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica

Comment: Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola -- nor will he ever be
Comment: Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola -- nor will he ever be | sport

The Barcelona boss will never be an icon at the club like the Manchester City coach once was

Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola. Nor can he be. Pep was the best manager in Barcelona history. No discussion. Guardiola's success and, above all, the football played will never be forgotten. Nor equalled. Whatever happens in the future. And that has already weighed down on many managers. The slab of comparisons is, in this case, more unbearable than ever. And Luis Enrique knows it.

Luis Enrique knows, for example, that he will never be idolised like Pep. He will now be an icon among Barcelonismo. Nor in Catalonia. People will not ask for him to continue at a Manel concert at the Palau de la Musica. Guardiola was an idol. A reference. Luis Enrique is 'just' a manager. And his future on the Blaugrana bench is linked to the team's results.

Luis Enrique is not Pep Guardiola. But sometimes he can pretend to immitate him. For example, when he maintains this strange mystery over his renewal, as Pep did during two consecutive years. In this case, Barça will not have as much patience as they did with Guardiola. And they will give an ultimatum at the end of March if there has been no decision made by Luis Enrique. 

The club want him to continue. But not at any cost. And there is a deadline. If Luis Enrique doesn't make his mind up soon, the club will look for an alternative. You can not mortgage the future of the project by waiting for a coach.