Lionel Messi should give up on Argentina's national team

Lionel Messi should give up on Argentina's national team

Lluís Mascaró

Director de Información Deportiva de Prensa Ibérica

Messi should give up on the national team which mistreats him, where the media and fans underappreciate him

If I were Messi I would not play for Argentina again. But I, of course, am not Messi. Unfortunately. Or fortunately. Because what the crack is suffering with his national team I would not wish on my worst enemy. A frustration to not be able to win a win a title added to the contempt shown to him my fans and media who still don't consider him 'one of their own'. 

It is almost as if Messi were not Argentine for spending 13 years in Barcelona. When the reality is actually that Messi is Argentine in every way. He thinks in Argentine. He speaks in Argentine. He lives in Argentine. Despite being an 'adopted Catalan', all his life and customs spin around his country of origin. The same country that mistreats him as if he was responsible for the failures of the national team that is in such a footballing crisis that not even the best player in the world can save them. 

If I were Messi I would not play for Argentina again. Because to continue with the Albiceleste will only bring disappointment. Like how he felt after the last Copa America. Leo, between teers, left the national team. Devastated by the latest failure. And fed up of being questioned as a footballer and as a person. But the disappointment and anger did not stay long and he fell into the trap of returning to a team with no present and no future. 

A broken national time, without a midfield, incapable of creating the play that Messi needs to shine how he shines at Barcelona. A national team that surely will qualify for Russia's 2018 World Cup, but not constructed to go far. For this, if I were Messi I would focus on Barcelona. And be happy playing with my team-mates and for my fans. The ones who really love me, and value me. As what I am. The No 1 in the world. 

But I am not Leo Messi.