Koeman's revolution that was lacking until now

Koeman's revolution that was lacking until now

Joan Mª Batlle
| sport

This was much, much better and it came from dropping three big problems

The day arrived, at last, that Koeman finally did it, leaving out Busquets, Griezmann and Coutinho. Three heavyweights, who for a long time had been a problem in the fans’ eyes, but the coach kept using. All started the season as starters.

Busquets went off at half-time against Valencia and De Jong, who was supposed to have a knock, came on. Busi was singled out by Koeman, no doubts. Coutinho, meanwhile, clearly is beneath Pedri in the pecking order now. In the middle, on the left, or anywhere else. And Griezmann? Maybe Koeman is tired of giving him chances in vain. A proper revolution was what we saw against Valladolid. And I think it’s good.

It was an intelligent system. 3-5-2, flexible and well through through. Tactical intelligence… it was time! More balanced as a team, solid and superior in the middle and with the full backs adding a lot of width. Rhythm, intensity, fluidity and directness. De Jong, Pedri and Messi were the big beneficiaries. And when they are comfortable, the results can only be positive. The Pedri-Messi tandem deserves special applause, combining brilliantly for the third goal. Hopefully the revolution has not arrived too late.


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