Do they want to force Neymar out of Barcelona?

Do they want to force Neymar out of Barcelona?

Do they want to force Neymar out of Barcelona?
Do they want to force Neymar out of Barcelona?  | sport

It seems as if there's one aim in the Neymar Case and it's not to send him to prison 

It seems like there’s no end. The prosecution’s move to ask for a two year prison sentence for Neymar and five years for Sandro Rosell is the logical step to follow the illogical decision to reopen a process which had been closed by a judge in the summer. 

The Neymar Case II goes beyond certain laws and finds itself inside the murkier world of politics, of influences, of big companies and of the government. And it’s there where any man on the street would begin to have doubts about the dark forces at work. Who is behind it? It seems clear that Madrid are lurking somewhere. 

What are the hoping for? That is where there are many similarities between the Neymar case and the Messi case, both flagships of the current Barcelona side. Messi’s been chased with the idea of forcing him to leave, opening the door out of Spain. Messi has been the target in a battle which is not his. And as they haven’t been able to force him out, now they’re after Neymar. Do they want him to leave? Is that what they hope for because Florentino Perez failed to sign him? 

The case against Neymar doesn’t seem to hold up because the club admitted to the prosecution that the 40 million euros was for his salary. Now that DIS has seen it has been left without anything, it’s claiming that it was part of the transfer. A madness that’s only purpose is to drive Neymar crazy.