Barcelona show a lack of respect to their own AGM

Barcelona show a lack of respect to their own AGM

Albert Masnou

Subdirector de SPORT

Momento de la Asamblea de Compromisarios del Barcelona
Momento de la Asamblea de Compromisarios del Barcelona | sport

Barcelona are the only club in the world where the mere redesign of the badge can become an institutional crisis. The usually placid AGM kicked off when a number of socios showed their discomfort at the changes to the crest.  

Seeing that for the first time in many years the board were going to lose an important vote, president Josep Maria Bartomeu decided on his own to remove the vote from the order of the day. He didn't even consult those present. It is a mesaure without precedents and provoked some jeers and shouts of "we want to vote." 

Irritated by the president's decision, the socios then voted against a financial reform which would have allowed the club to take on more credit, which became the second setback of the day. 

The feeling of disappointment among the socios was summed up by one of them at the AGM: "The fear of losing a vote cannot be above democracy." 

The rules can be none other than this: when you vote, there's always a risk of losing and you have to take that responsibility. The result is that Barça have shown a lack of respect to their own AGM. With the decision not to vote, they have set a very dangerous precedent, which puts their own mechanisms to make a decision into doubt.