Barcelona locking down Femeni's future


Barcelona locking down Femeni's future

| sport

Martine Fenger (Norway, 16 years old) and Onyeka Gamero (USA, 17 years old) are the two big strategic signings for FC Barcelona's women's team, and they will play next season in the reserve side. These two operations illustrate the 'new' market policy of the section, which is only growing and whose future is assured.

The Norwegian, from Kolbotn FC - in the first division of her country - and an international at youth level, has signed for three seasons and will reside in La Masia. She stands out for her physique, her power in the penalty area and her goalscoring ability. The American - also of Spanish background on her father's side and Nigerian origins on her mother's side - arrives from Beach FC and has also been an international with her country's youth teams. She will bring speed, dribbling and, above all, goals.

International young talent

Both Fenger and Gamero are two of the most promising young players in their countries. And with them, the team formed by Markel Zubizarreta -sporting director- and Jordi Ventura -coordinator of football- reinforces and promotes Barça's commitment to the young talents that stand out most on the international scene, in a market context that is growing exponentially and in which transfers and the inflation of operations is beginning to normalise. The idea is to incorporate these promising young players into the reserve or youth teams and to ensure that they finish their training at home, incorporating Barca's 'DNA'.

The same happened with Giulia Dragoni - 16-year-old Italian and a brand new addition to La Masia last January - and Vicky Lopez - also 16, signed a year ago - the great promise of Spanish women's football and who this season has played several games with the first team, becoming the youngest player in the club's history to play in the Champions League. And then there is Salma Paralluelo, who joined Barça last summer at the age of 19 and started in the Champions League final in Eindhoven.

Renewals at La Masia  

In addition to these strategic signings, the focus is also on the home side. In recent weeks, several new signings have been announced -something unheard of until this year- at Barça B, such as Ari Arias, Júlia Bartel, Txell Font, Laia Martret, Ona Baradad, Meri Muñoz, Noah Bezis and Berta Doltra, as well as Aïcha Camara, who after six seasons at the club, is making the definitive jump to the reserve team, under Oscar Belis, the 'B team coach, champion of the Primera RFEF - silver division- this season.

In January, Martina Fernández, Judit Pujols and Nina Pou also signed extensions, while Emma Gálvez, Maria Llorella, Núria Pon and Raquel Capdevila (Barça C) and Laura Martín, Ainoa Gómez and Daniela Martínez (Juvenil) will also be in the reserve team.

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