Ter Stegen's strange response when asked about signing a new deal

Ter Stegen's strange response when asked about signing a new deal

La ambigua respuesta de Ter Stegen sobre su futuro en el Barça / | @Alejandro_sj

Barça's number one keeper has been in discussions over a new deal for months now but there's been no breakthrough

"We will see," is what Marc-Andre ter Stegen responded when asked about his contract negotiations with FC Barcelona. The German stopper had just arrived at Prat airport after a few days on holiday.

Ter Stegen's renewal is a priority for Barça and the club has made some big compromises in order to try and reach an agreement. The two sides are reportedly close to a deal than they were at the start of the year but negotiations have been put on hold, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, until the end of the current campaign.

Despite progress being made, there's been no significant breakthrough. Barça have made it clear they are only willing to give one member of the current first-team a pay rise and that's the German international. Plenty of sides in the Premier League are waiting to see what the conclusion will be from the next round of talks should an agreement not be made.

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