Paco Alcacer: Even though it's a friendly scoring was important

Paco Alcacer: Even though it's a friendly scoring was important

His strike against Al Ahli at least served mentally to release some of the pressure

Paco Alcacer broke his run of 501 minutes without scoring, although as it was in a friendly rather than an official game the clock is still ticking. His strike against Al Ahli at least served mentally to release some of the pressure. The player was happy.

He said: "After a negative run in which I didn't get the goal, although this was a friendly it was important to score. And from here I can look forwards, I don't want to look back."

Alcacer conceded: "It frees me, yes, a negative run for any player is not good and by scoring a goal you can free yourself a bit, a sensation of freedom, above all to gain confidence.

"I had the desire to score but my team-mates also had the desire that I scored and to forget this period quickly. In any moment you can become obsessed, but team-mates and staff that saw me working every day were satisfied and I was calm, I didn't surrender and in the end the work has paid off."

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