Onana interview: "De Jong and De Ligt have asked me about Barcelona"

Onana interview: "De Jong and De Ligt have asked me about Barcelona"

Onana podría ser el sustituto de Cillessen en el futuro
Onana podría ser el sustituto de Cillessen en el futuro | EFE

The Ajax goalkeeper sat down with SPORT to talk about his career and De Ligt and De Jong

Andre Onana left Barcelona in 2015 to make a career at Ajax. After 18 months with the second team, he was promoted to the third team. He's now the No.1, where he shares a dressing room with two players Barça want next season: De Ligt and De Jong. He's also been linked as a replacement for Jasper Cillessen. The Cameroon goalkeeper spoke to SPORT...

You seem satisified...

Yes, I am doing well, the season's going really well, I am happy here.

Kaptoum, Dongou, Etock, Bagnack, Ondoa… Of all the players from Cameroon who moved to Barça, you're doing the best.

That's an honour, but you never know in football. You don't know what could happen tomorrow and we're all fighting to take that step forward. I believe, with time and a little luck, we will all take it. But I'm doing well here, I am happy to be playing for this great club. 

You're just 22... Barça?

To be honest I am not thinking about that. Returning to Barça would be great, they're a great club. Who wouldn't like to play there? But I know I am an Ajax player, I am happy and we're having a really good campaign. We're going to try and enjoy it. And learn what we can. 

Is it not a challenge to return and make Barça's first team?

Maybe, but football... maybe I had to come here to go back because it's not easy to go from the academy directly to the first team. Especially today, being a goalkeeper is even more complicated. I am happy here, but it's easy to say, 'Onana, maybe Barça want you,' but with me you're going to have a big problem. 


Because I want to play and I won't go there to paint the bench. I want to play.

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De Jong and De Ligt told SPORT they would have liked Barça in the Champions League.

It wouldn't been bad. 

Instead, Real Madrid...

All the rivals are the same to me, whoever it is, what I know is that you can lose some games, but what I don't like is losing with fear. If we're beaten because the other team are better, OK, but not because we were scared. We will go there to press like always, play our game and if we get some luck...

You will play Real Madrid like you play in the Eredivisie?

Against any side. Especially against those great clubs that like to have the ball. We know how to have it and we are going to try and take it off them, but we know they're a strong side. 

A god eaxm for you and also for De Jong and De Ligt. Are they ready to play for a team like Barça?

Yes, I think they're ready to play for any team. They're young players, but they have a lot of talent, a lot of hunger and I know they want to conquer the world. I think that, above all at Barça, they would do very well. I have spoke various times with them because I was there and I know how the people work there. 

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They asked about Barça?

Yes, they asked what it was like there. 

What did they want to know? 

They asked me... Well, how things are there, the climate... And I always tell them: 'You're going to like it there, it'll be like being at home.' I tell them that [Barça] know how to treat people. That's the most important thing for me and Barça know how to do it.

They would adapt quickly...

Yes, yes, easily. 

No doubts? Change of country, language, football, club…

It's not that easy, but I think they're readt. I work with them every day and they look good. 


They are very strong. That's what I say, this team, against any rival, will play the same. We're not afraid of losing.