Neymar's horrible week... and it could get worse at San Sebastian

Neymar's horrible week... and it could get worse at San Sebastian

Neymar's car accident on Sunday morning may not even be the culmination of what has been a bad week for the Brazilian

Neymar is not going through his best moment. This week has been full of disappointing episodes for him. He had an accident in his Ferrari on Sunday morning ahead of the clash with Real Sociedad, nothing less than the latest in a string of unfortunate events. 

The bad news started on Wednesday, when the Spanish tax authorities declared they are trying to lock him up for two years.


They are looking for two years in prison for neymar, five for former president Sandro Rosell and a fine of 8.4 million euros for FC Barcelona. Meanwhile DIS separately want five years in prison for the player and his father. 


On Saturday in the opening of the training session Neymar collided with the coach Juan Carlos Unzue, but came out without problems, The coach was left on the floor and was seen to by club medic Xavier Yanguas. Luckily it was not serious.


On Sunday morning his car was left duffed up by the accident, although luckily for Neymar he walked away without injuries. He was accompanied to the training ground by club staff to ensure he didn’t miss the flight. 


The week could get worse tonight. With four yellow cards to his name, Neymar knows another would see him suspended for the next game—against Real Madrid at Camp Nou. Lucho must make sure he behaves himself…

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