Minguella: Leo Messi has a team already, Inter Milan

Minguella: Leo Messi has a team already, Inter Milan

El futuro de Messi: Y ahora, ¿qué? / | Perform

Josep María Minguella says the Argentine forward already has a destination lined up

Josep Maria Minguella, the man who intervened 20 years ago to help Leo Messi sign for Barcelona, in the famous serviette signature agreement, is sure that Leo Messi has taken this step with another club in mind for his destination. Speaking to Cadena COPE, Minguella said that will be Italy and not England.

"For me, Messi has a team: Inter," said the former agent and former Barcelona presidential candidate. "In Italy they pay less tax; Cristiano Ronaldo is there. I find it hard to see him in England even though at City his friend Aguero is there and Guardiola. In Italy they are trying to revitalise the world of football with big signings and with the advantages they have in the footballers' contracts (with tax).

"Barca have to re think their situation. If with Leo Messi they didn't know what they were doing, imagine it without him. Bartomeu said the players have to leave the club honourably, and the next week he's sacking them by phone."

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