The meteoric rise of director Joan Soler


The meteoric rise of director Joan Soler


Do you remember the last Champions League draw held at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco? A priori it was surprising that FC Barcelona did not send its president, sporting vice-president or director of football. There was a good reason for this: it was 31 August and the market was closing down, a window in which Barça were very much in the limelight.

FC Barcelona representation duties were handed to the director Joan Soler i Ferré, who is in charge of formative football. It was no coincidence or even something testimonial. Soler has been gradually gaining a lot of weight within Laporta's board of directors, to which he arrived almost 'on the rebound' as he was his rival in the pre-election period. 

Soler was in charge of the sports area of Jordi Farré's pre-candidacy, who did not pass the cut of the signatures. It was the current FC Barcelona treasurer, Ferran Olivé, who convinced him to endorse and join Laporta's team. A few months ago he was with the president and Xavi Puig in Qatar and Saudi Arabia on personal business. The club likes his character and knowledge of the world of football (he was president of Vilafranca), as well as his discreet profile. He is undoubtedly one of Laporta's most trusted men on the board.

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