Luis Enrique sends a message to all his new signings

Luis Enrique sends a message to all his new signings

Luis Enrique sent a message to his new signings with his first line-up of the season. You have to win your place. Four were substitutes (Digne, Denis Suarez, Umtiti, Andre Gomes) and the cantera player Samper wasn't even called up. A statement of intent from the coach. He still has confidence in his men from last season. For now. Because the injuries of Mathieu and Iniesta made him change tack and introduce Digne and Denis Suarez. 

His initial team was surprising. Luis Enrique hasn't stopped making 'strange' decisions. Picking Mathieu over Digne at left-back is inexplicable. And Munir, who is condemned to be the 'fifth' forward. Regardless of whether the new No 9 arrives or not. Arda Turan played as a false winger and although he was bad, his chested assist made him worth his place in the game. Or nearly. 

Munir showed he has goal power. He came on for Arda in the 75th minute and scored the second neatly. Really, wouldn't he be OK as the fourth forward? It's not worth spending 40 million euros on Alcacer, is it? Does Munir not deserve the chance? I, sincerely, think the answer is yes.

In terms of the game, despite winning in the Sanchez Pizjuan, Barcelona showed some faults. They didn't make errors in defence but found it too hard to create in attack against Sevilla's pressing. Especially in the first half. In the second, after Suarez's goal, they dominated the game and had more chances. 

0-2 is a good result. A great result. That leaves the title practically decided. Although they have to play the next game at Camp Nou on Wednesday night anyway. In the early morning, actually. Because the game starts on the 17th at 11pm. And ends on the 18th at 1am. If there is no extra-time. Or penalties. An authentic absurdity.