Leo Messi's circuit as he seemed to say goodbye to Vallecas


Leo Messi's circuit as he seemed to say goodbye to Vallecas

| sport

The Argentine star may never set foot in the stadium again and took it in

When Cuadra Fernandez blew the final whistle in Vallecas, as well as relief, Barcelona were in a hurry. Like with all trips in the pandemic era, the team left quickly to the hotel to shower and fly home, so they could sleep back in casa. They went down the tunnel quicky, bar Koeman, Araujo and De Jong, who had media duties. And Lionel Messi. 

The captain was accosted by many people. He was generous, chatting with everyone, lending himself for photographs with whoever crossed in front of him, whether they were ball boys (who were thrilled and took the opportunity with both hands) or members of the Vallecas security. For at least 20 minutes he was bouncing around, chatting with his friend Óscar Trejo (who took his shirt, by the way). He even signed a sticker for a photographer. We don't even want to think about it, but it even seemed that Messi was saying goodbye to the Rayista coliseum, as if he was aware that he was never going to set foot in it again.

It was a special day for journalists too. The RFEF restrictions for coronavirus are much more lenient than La Liga’s draconian guidelines, so for many it was their first game of the season in stadiums.

Messi did not go down the tunnel, he went up into the stands, passed by the cameras and left via the front door onto the team bus.


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