Josep Bartomeu: We suffered a very hard elimination to take

Josep Bartomeu: We suffered a very hard elimination to take

Encaje de manos entre Bartomeu y Colau
Encaje de manos entre Bartomeu y Colau  | sport

The club presented a deal with the city for the new espai Barca project

Josep Maria Bartomeu, Barcelona president, attended a presentation of the club's new espai Barca project after they reached a deal with the city to start the work. While there he spoke about the Champions League elimination by Roma.

"We suffered an elimination which was very hard to take but it's not what we're here to talk about today," he explained. ""Barca is living in different realities. The sporting reality is tough because of the Champions League blow. But today we are talking about a project which marks the future of our club. A capital project for the Les Corts neighbourhood and the city. It's a balanced proposal, integrating what the club needs and what the city needs. It will be an open space, wthout barriers, we will integrate the neighbourhood and improve the surroundings."

Jordi Moix said the club would spend 639 million on the project, 125m on the urbanisation of the surroundings by Camp Nou. He said there will be "more green spaces". 

Work on Camp Nou will start in 2019. "The days of the games there will be various entrances for the fans. The priority is not to have any games moved away from Camp Nou." The works could go on until 2023.