Ernesto Valverde explains Arthur's ins and outs

Ernesto Valverde explains Arthur's ins and outs

Arthur falló una clara ocasión ante el Inter / | MEDIAPRO

The coach left him out at Leganes before recalling him for Dortmund

Barcelona coach Ernesto Valverde tried to explain on Tuesday why Arthur Melo is in and out of the tram.

The Brazilian has started some games while not even being called up in others. Per his coach, this is purely for footballing reasons.

"Arthur is a player who has come in in certain moments, started, and in other games not been called up, like has happened to Rakitic or Alena," said Valverde, who left him out at the weeeknd against Leganes and then recalled him to face Borussia Dortmund on Wednesday.

"He's a very secure player when it comes to keeping the ball and sometimes we ask him to play higher up."

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