Eric Abidal in quarantine after Umtiti contact

Eric Abidal in quarantine after Umtiti contact

 Eric Abidal habló sobre su carrera en un acto publicitario de KIA / | KIA

The sporting director did not go to the game as a precaution and came home to quarantine

Eric Abidal could become one of the first victims in Barcelona's restructure after their historic failure against Bayern Munich. But for now he has another reason to be upset - he has to be in quarantine.

He did not attend the game because he was one of the people who was in touch with Samuel Umtiti, who tested positive for Covid-19.

Abidal found out the result of Umtiti when he was in Lisbon. He took the decision to isolate from the rest of the group and not go to the Estadio de Luz.

He's returning home from Portugal by car. In the coming hours he will have more PCR tests to find out if he has the virus. He gave a negative on the last set of tests.

The news comes at a tough time for the Frenchman, whose backing of Quique Setien could cost him his job.

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