Eder Aller, the 15 year old keeper that Xavi has brought into training

Eder Aller, the 15 year old keeper that Xavi has brought into training

| sport

Barcelona like to lean on the kids to fill out sessions and make their way in the world

We are used to seeing new faces in almost every training session of the FC Barcelona first team. Youth players, above all, but also new additions such as Julián Araujo. Xavi likes to give opportunities to the younger players, for whom, without a doubt, it is a reward to train under the orders of a legend and alongside world-class stars. This Saturday, in the run-up to the Liga Clasico, it was the turn of Eder Aller. 

He is a goalkeeper, only 15 years old. He was born in León and grew up at Cultural Leonesa. He is a goalkeeper with a lot of experience, who took his first steps when he was still a child. 

"When Cultural Leonesa signed me, I was very big, and the goal was very small. That's why I made a lot of saves, and everything went well for me. It was at that moment when I started to think that I could become someone in football", said the boy a few months ago. 

In the summer of 2021 he joined the Marcet Foundation academy. "No other campus offered us 35 hours of training per week", said his father César. The boy breathes for football. After a year at Marcet and working hard every day, the prize came sooner than expected. The call from Barça when he was 15 years old.

While still a cadet, Aller became part of the Juvenil B squad. This Saturday he enjoyed sharing training exercises with one of the best in the world, Marc-André Ter Stegen. Also with another reference point for him, like Iñaki Peña. Training with them and then with strikers of the stature of Lewandowski, Raphinha and Ferran. In just a few months, Eder's life has turned around. 

From Barça's grassroots football department, they assure that he has a very promising future. And that his capacity for work and his dedication are his greatest strengths. He turns 16 on April 4.

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