Details of Messi's relationship with Xavi as Barça push for reunion


Details of Messi's relationship with Xavi as Barça push for reunion

| sport

The two are in regular contact but could that pave the way for summer transfer?

Lionel Messi and Xavi Hernández have had an excellent relationship since they first met in the Barcelona first team dressing room. First came the harmony on the pitch and then off it, as a result of the many years in which they shared challenges and success.

Xavi¡s departure to Qatar in 2015 did not cool this relationship and they maintained close contact. Communications, via telephone or WhatsApp messages, have been continuous, without the existence of a stage in which it has been interrupted. And now that Xavi is in Barcelona and Leo is in Paris, it is still very good. They talk -- a lot.

The Barça boss is fixated on the return of Messi and has explained as much in different press conferences. The 'pressure' he exerts to convince the Argentine has increased as the days go by, as he sees how necessary Messi's return would be for Barcelona, both for his team and for the fans. Both regularly share their impressions of their situations at their respective clubs.

Talk a lot

In the last few hours, conversations that have taken place over the last few weeks have been detailed on the radio. During these conversations, Messi is said to have told Xavi "of his desire to return to Barcelona" and that the Argentine would talk about Barça "in the first person plural."

At the same time, Xavi is said to have explained to him that the dressing room is now "a family" and that Messi is said to have told him that he is willing to return "forgetting" any quarrels that may have existed in the past with some of the current squad members.

When contacted by Messi's entourage, the player himself denied all this information and the existence of these conversations with the current Barcelona coach about what could happen in the future. He admits, however, that he has a very good relationship with Xavi, whom he appreciates and respects. A feeling that is mutual for Xavi. However, life has given so many surprises to one and the other that to go so far is interpreted as something dangerous.

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