The five keys to Barcelona's move for Paris Saint-Germain's Neymar

The five keys to Barcelona's move for Paris Saint-Germain's Neymar

Ney / | sport

Neymar wants to return to Camp Nou and the club are looking into if it's possible

Neymar's waiting for Barcelona. And Barcelona are starting to structure a deal to sign the Brazilian although a lot of things have to happen for a move to be viable.

But the first movements have taken place and the parties involved are starting to position themselves. Here are the five keys to a possible return to Camp Nou for the Brazilian:

1. Neymar delays his renewal

Neymar has got his way and PSG have had no choice but to change the timeframe on his renewal. SPORT published that the Brazilian was delaying signing a deal that had been agreed -- the contracts were being drawn up and it just needed singing. On Saturday, PSG sporting director Leonardo changed his discourse: "Everyone knows our intention. We don't have any rush with Neymar and we want to be discrete. Of course, we want (a renewal) to happen, but the objective is to play in the Champions League final at the end of May." The Qatari-owned club had previously wanted to announce the renewal before the semifinal against Manchester City.

2. The ‘Laporta factor’

Joan Laporta's return to the scene represents a breath of fresh air with regards to the relationship between PSG and Barça. The new Barcelona president brings a fresh start. There's no bad blood. His direct and honest style changes the scene in terms of negotiations, despite the animosity shown towards Barça by the Qataris previously.

Neymar / | sport

3. It must be this summer

The only chance of Neymar returning to Barcelona is this summer, as tough as it will be financially. His deal with PSG is up in 2022 and if the doesn't renew, the French club will be obliged to sell. The context doesn't favour the French club. It's game on. A swap deal has not been ruled out, either.

4. Barça's internal audit

Any decision on a signing of the magnitude and importance of Neymar hands on the results of an internal financial audit, that Barça hope to have by May. The finances, during a pandemic, rule more than ever. Meanwhile, the club will not make any decision while La Liga's is still live. Neymar has given Barça some precious weeks to organise themselves.

El Barça no descarta fichar a Neymar


5. A competitive team for Leo Messi

Barça have still not sat down to negotiate with Messi. However, the club aren't considering any scenario where he doesn't renew. And, without doubt, the element that will tip the balance is the sporting project. Messi will be 34 in June. The foundations have been laid during this theoretical transition season which could end with a double, but Barça must build a team capable of competing for the Champions League. Neymar helps there, at 29, as someone who already knows the dressing room and how Messi plays.


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