Alcacer can smile again as he hopes for change of luck at Barça

Alcacer can smile again as he hopes for change of luck at Barça

The striker has now scored his first goal for the club and hopes it will be the first of many

Paco Alcacer went 13 games without scoring. Thirteen, a cursed number which went perfectly with the striker, denied a goal, until Tuesday, with Barcelona. 

Therefore the goal, despite coming in a friendly, was celebrated by everyone. And, of course, by Paco himself, who looked to the sky after netting as if he was searching for an explanation for his lack of fortune. 

Because the ex-Valencia man needed a goal to recover his smile. To get rid of the bad taste and the anger which had build up after various games and various chances. 

After scoring, he said: "It frees me, yes, a negative run for any player is not good and by scoring a goal you can free yourself a bit, a sensation of freedom, above all to gain confidence."

Alcacer scored a goal with his head, a classic centre-forward's effort. It was in his own style. Now he can only look forward with the hope that his goal drought remains an anecdote. 

"It's good for Paco's spirits," said sporting director Robert Fernandez. "It's always nice for a striker to score." 


The strike should pick Alcacer up, although he's always had the support of Luis Enrique throughout his dry spell. Both in press conferences and in minutes. "I was very excited [to score], although I was calm because of the manager's words that I doing well," he explained to Cadena SER.

People close to the player highlight the excellent relationship between him and his coach. Some even say the two share a similar character. And it's true that Alcacer's happy with the opportunities he's getting. 

Nothing off, because the decision to come to Barça was made knowing what his role would in the team. 

He knew perfectly well that he would be second choice to the front three of Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar. Therefore his big concern has been his lack of a goal, not his secondary place in the team. 

And that lack of participation has not affected him. He knows his job is to take his chances when they arrive. 

"In any moment you can become obsessed, but team-mates and staff that saw me working every day were satisfied and I was calm, I didn't surrender and in the end the work has paid off," Alcacer said on Tuesday. 

Now is not the time to look back and he hopes the goal will be a poing of inflection.  

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