Only 16,864 members have bought their season tickets for 23/24 at Montjuïc

Only 16,864 members have bought their season tickets for 23/24 at Montjuïc

| sport

The club highlighted their forecast of 27,000 season ticket holders at the new stadium, in a meeting with the socios

The institutional vice-president of FC Barcelona, Elena Fort, and the economic vice-president, Eduard Romeu, explained to a group of more than two hundred FC Barcelona members all the details surrounding the Espai Barça. This was the first information session since the Spotify Camp Nou work started. This event highlights the commitment to transparency by the Board of Directors concerning this project.

Fort detailed the changes that will be made to Spotify Camp Nou in the coming months and the selection process for the companies that will be involved. In addition, the vice-president informed that the Barcelona City Council has already granted two of the three municipal permits necessary for the work to be carried out. The last one is expected to be granted shortly.

For his part, Eduard Romeu shed light on financing the plan for the Espai Barça.

"It is an aggressive, ambitious plan that involves painful decisions and can only be made by brave people," he acknowledged. In addition, the vice president asked for confidence and patience from the members. On the other hand, he insisted on maintaining the Club's ownership model as one of the essential guidelines to move forward with the 'financing' of the Espai Barça. No mortgage has been taken out on the stadium.

"We guarantee payment with the income generated by the project. Therefore, the financiers are fellow visitors, who, of course, cannot intervene in the Club's decisions".

Regarding the move to the Montjuïc Stadium, Elena Fort highlighted the effort made by the Club to improve access and to make mobility as comfortable and fluid as possible. The vice-president informed of the options for getting to the stadium, which includes shuttle buses from Plaça d'Espanya and Carrer Foc (every 4 minutes, up and down), funicular, escalators, taxis, parking for supporters' group buses and motorbikes around Lluís Companys and for private vehicles at the Fira.

Fort invited members to "support Barça at a very important moment" and revealed that the number of members who have purchased the Barça First Team Pass 2023/24, the season ticket for the Montjuïc Stadium, is 16,864.

In addition, the vice president announced that they are working on offering tickets at discounted prices for those yet to subscribe.

During the briefing, it was also announced that the work on the Spotify Camp Nou can be followed via the Espai Barça website thanks to the images taken by three webcams located in the stadium. A Culer account would be required for this.

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